Friday, September 14, 2012

The Relocation Quandry

Relocation is a dirty word to many people right now.  It's not easy, and it's not fun.  Unless you're moving from say Sheboygan to Charleston, SC - then it's a no brainer.  Houses are under water; wife/husband/children don't want to move; your Mother-in-Law is ailing; etc.  No one will blame you for not wanting or not being able to relocate.  What Recruiters and Hiring Managers WILL blame you for is WASTING OUR TIME BY EVEN GOING ON THE INTERVIEW.

By the time I've sent a candidate to an on site interview, there have been multiple conversations and interviews via phone and/or Skype.  This costs time & money.  Then we schedule interviews on site with multiple interviewers.  This costs time & money.  We fly the potential new hire out; rent a car; hotel room; meals.  This costs time & money.  Am I making my point?

Do your homework about the sale of your home, getting out of your lease, whatever the case may be.  Talk to your spouse/significant other about the real possibility of making a geographical move - if they aren't happy, no one is happy.  Kids can be told what to do, so they don't matter (this of course, is a joke... sort of).  I beg of you (as do my clients) make sure you are committed to moving BEFORE you go on the interview.  Personally, I will respect you for it and work with you again.  If after an interview series my client makes an offer and then you tell us relocation isn't an option - I will never represent you again.  It may hurt to have to ignore an opportunity that is your next dream role, but please be cognizant of the, wait for it.....   time & money this costs several other people.