Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Time is Money

The other day, one of my clients said to me:  "Geez, I'm about to pay you a lot of money for work you completed in a short amount of time."  I laughed - I love this client and have worked with him for some years now and I know he meant no harm and made the statement with humor.  I have two points to make here:

1.  Wasn't that the goal?  Not all searches and successful placements move this quickly - matter of fact, most of them don't in this specialty (Procurement & Sourcing).  If I've said it seventeen times, I'll say it again:  This talent is difficult to identify and difficult to extract from their current situation.  Even those who may be in the market and open to looking are difficult to land due to competing companies/offers, if they are a really strong candidate.  In this case, my client had been trying to fill his role for over 6 months.  Obviously, something wasn't working internally, hence, go to an outside firm that SPECIALIZES in your area of need.  And that costs money.

2.  Let me tell you something, this work was not completed in a short period of time.  It has taken YEARS for us to build a very specific database, network and expertise.  It has taken YEARS for us to develop the relationships that center around our discipline that has earned us respect and recognition in the marketplace (we hope) and allows us to reach out to people we know and people we don't know and pique the interest of top talent on behalf of our clients.  It has taken YEARS to research, build relationships, develop skills and keep it consistently churning so that we can provide you the stellar candidates and consultation you demand.

And that's all I have to say about that.