Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Good News is...

Most of us had a pretty rough year in 2009 - enough said about that.  As an Executive Recruiter in the Supply Chain space, I'm asked by both clients and candidates on a daily basis:  "Laura, is it looking any better out there?  What do you see happening in the job market?" 

I'm no market analytical expert - I'm just a headhunter.  But what I do tell people is that I see an increase in activity - there are opportunities arising, especially in Supply Chain.  "Why?" you ask?  Because the supply chain makes the world go 'round, as we all know, and gaps in these organizations are just like gaps in the supply chain - it causes things to stop moving.  When companies are looking for ways to cut costs, now more than ever, who do they turn to?  Strategic Sourcing and Procurement (of course, they aren't the ONLY folks who know how to cut costs, but certainly are high on the list!).  What I hear time and time again is that Sourcing and Procurement organizations have been stripped to their skivvies and there are only so many ways to cover up their bare spots!  Hopefully, this is a humorous way of saying that there aren't enough people left to cover all of the work that needs to be done - both tactical and strategical.  Not keeping up with the day-to-day is bad enough, but when your organization isn't planning new strategies and/or implementing and managing strategies from the past, how will the company succeed in the future?

But, this seems to be GOOD news!  Authorities will recognize, if they haven't already, that these teams will have to beef up again.  It's time to assess gaps and get the ball rolling on how to fill them.  Which is going to mean new open positions with proactive and growing companies.  More to come...

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