Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Your Organization's Image in the Marketplace

As we reach a new year, I, as a business owner have been making some new business plans.  One of the reasons we have been successful as a firm is our dedication to not just to the formulated service we provide, but to how we are viewed in the marketplace.  It has come to my attention in the recent past more times than ever, that potential and true talent are REALLY talking about how companies and organizations are treating them in the recruiting processes.  It starts internally and it ends internally, even if you use an outside firm such as ours, and if your message and image are not clear, concise and cohesive, your long-term goals of building a successful organization will fail.  Even if a potential candidate is truly not a great fit, if they are not treated with respect and dignity along with getting the three aforementioned C's from your team, they will get out there and relay this to their network.  And the resulting buzz is not a fun one earned during the Holidays - it is a buzz kill.  For all of us - your team, your HR/Recruiting team and the outside firm you have partnered with to help you. 

1 comment:

  1. "It has come to my attention in the recent past more times than ever, that potential and true talent are REALLY talking about how companies and organizations are treating them in the recruiting processes."

    "Your Organization's Image in the Marketplace " also includes recruitment organizations. When the supply chain job seekers of today are supply chain decision makes of tomorrow, we will remember and talk about which recruiters treated us poorly in the down employment cycle. The unanswered threads where they broke off halfway through the conversation and never replied will remain stored in our inboxes. The names will not just fade away. These recruiters and their employers' names will still pop up in the LinkedIn industry groups where we have since become the leading contributors.
