Friday, April 9, 2010

Social Media and Procurement - What the Heck?

There is another blog I started writing - Tweeting in our 40s - for fun.  After reading the book Trust Agents, I realized I needed to get with the program.  As an Executive Recruiter, much of the research I do is on the internet and I use Linked In religiously.  However, I wasn't involved in Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, the list goes on and on.  My question was:  are the people I try to reach in MY professional life using Social Media in THEIR professional lives?  Well, small reader group, the answer is:  YES. 

More than ever, Procurement and Strategic Sourcing are a huge focus to most companies.  It might be stressful now, but just think of the value you are bringing your organizations in this economic mess - you will be stars and then the rest of them will listen to you when you present your long-term, strategic plans!  Okay, I was sidetracked for a moment, so now back to task... 

So after realizing that I needed to dive into the social media ocean (and it IS an ocean with many waves and undercurrents) for my business, I started sharing my plan with my peers and one of them brought an article to my attention:  Purchasing 3.0 (  Please take a read and let me know your thoughts.

I have learned that Facebook and Twitter are not always silly social outlets with a plethora of mundane messages about what someone did 5 minutes ago - like feeding their cat after planting a flower.  In addition to Linked In, they are an incredible source of research and information for whatever subject matter you desire, an awesome means of networking and a terrific tool in growing businesses.  Professionals in your industry today are overwhelmed and working many hours, and learning and launching Social Media takes a lot of time.  But I promise, it's worth it in the end....


  1. Hi Laura, I enjoyed reading your blog. I'm in supply chain myself and do believe in the benefits of social networking.
    I myslef am just starting to take a peek at what's out there and it does seem like good opportunites are popping up everyday. I haven't noticed as much with facebook but I'll keep checking. Thanks! Alicia Weaver

  2. Thanks, Alicia. Please send your email address and let's connect on Linked In - shoot me an email to or Have a great weekend!
